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We simply need that wild country available to us… For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope.

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A wise man once said…..

You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of your grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. 

“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”

There are some tales we can tell you. 

Is this a move up?

There is a good story behind that question. 

“I do not believe there was ever a life more attractive than life on a cattle farm.”


A Home That Has Shaped our Lives

HilaryandBen'sWedding 088

Look Deep Into Nature

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Double D Air

Just Living Is Not Enough

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Adopt The Pace Of Nature

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